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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Selective Coloring

Every time I look back at my old work, I have to shudder and go "what was I thinking?!" and nothing does that to me more than dreaded selective coloring! I think that most everyone goes through that stage, and we're all so grateful when we realize how terrible they are. I used to LOVE them....

Recently, I saw something from Lori Peterson Photography on using textures to make a selective coloring look like... well, NOT a selective coloring. So using some textures I got from her (for FREE!), I played around to create my own.

I'm really pleased with how it came out, actually! Nothing about it says selective color! Here's a before and after just to show you how much of a difference the textures truly made....

Now here's a little piece of advice to new photographers that love to do selective coloring with eyes, props, etc.... don't.


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