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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Unexpected Desires

A lot of times in life, you don't know you wanted something until there was even the smallest chance you could have it. 

For example... Two of my friends nominated me as prom queen. I never thought it was something I wanted, ever. But now that there's even the smallest chance of me getting it, I realize I would love love love to win. But knowing that most likely I won't...because I know the people in my school...I don't want to let myself want it.

And sometimes, you don't know you want something until it's too late to get them.

When I was little I went with the flow... "NO CAMERAS, PUT IT AWAY! I HATE HAVING MY PICTURE TAKEN!" And now, I wish I had pictures of me when I was little. I don't have that many. And most of them are bad quality, I don't have any nice, professional ones. I'm not saying I hate the ones I have, because I adore them! I just wish I had more

Photography can capture a person how they are....

Without this image, I would have never ever ever known I used to be blonde!

And this one shows that I was always a girly-girl, even with a broken bone! -- And if you look closely at my shoes, you can see that I love loved The Little Mermaid!

Memories are something you can't put a price on. I'm my Daddies baby girl, and I've gone from this

to this

In just a year, I'm going to be an adult... Graduating from High School and heading out to the big, scary world all on my own. My childhood is nearly gone, and I wish I had more pictures to remind me of it all.

Don't underestimate the importance of pictures... Don't talk yourself out of them because you "look bad" because it doesn't matter.... Your family won't care, they'll just want to see you, the way you used to be!


MacGirl said...

This exactly how I feel. I have just started the Project Life project and I am taking time to capture the little things, the every day things, because one day, I won't remember them anymore. I take photos of my boyfriend of guard, of my sister when she's not looking and these are the photos I cherish the most, not the staged photo of my sister showing off her new earrings, because she'll still remember that in 5 years, she won't remember the time we were both curled up on the sofa watching the new DVD. Great post!

Anonymous said...

That last picture of you is stunning! You have a great sense of style :)

Say x

Rachel Shearer said...

Oh thank you so so much! I actually raided my friends closet for this :) I WISH they were mine! Buuut I did put it together on my own... does that count? ;)

Rachel Shearer said...

Thank you!! That's so true... I love photos, both from shoots and just for fun!