Today I'm linking up to On Your Screen, which basically is writing a review on a movie....
The Avengers! It was amazing!!! Oh my goodness, I love love love love it!!! My Dad took me and my brothers to see it for my brothers birthday, and I already knew I was going to love it.
I wanted to see it before it was "the it" thing to see. In fact, I wanted to see it before they even had previews out for it! I wanted to see it as soon as I heard they were going to make it. Then the first time I saw the preview, before it really started I looked at my friend and went "THE AVENGERS!!!!"
Yeah. I'm girly, but I love love these marvel movies. A lot!! I've loved Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, etc... they're all so fabulous! If I had to choose just one to watch for the rest of my life (which would devastate me. No joke) I would choose The Avengers.
It was the perfect mix of action, comedy, suspense, etc... and I loved each and every actor. And honestly, I'm not that big of a fan of Scarlett Johansson anymore (I used to really like her, but as her career has gone on I've liked her less and less), so to say I loved her in it says a lot!
As soon as it was over in the theaters, my brothers and I were immediately saying we wanted to watch it again! My Dad loved it too, and we've already pre-ordered it!
I quote it all the time with my brothers, we rant and rave about it daily, and we're dying for it to be released so that we can see it again. It was amazing!!!!

Thanks so much for linking up!! I LOVED The Avengers!! I saw it at the cinema twice and I would happily go again!!
Thanks for linking up :) I still haven't got around to seeing The Avengers yet. I'll probably have to wait til it's released on DVD now.
Haha, great review! Made me laugh. And I agree it was a great movie. Saw it twice!
Silver from A Silver Snapshot
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